Cleaning your garage in 5 easy steps!
5 Easy steps to clean out your garage! 1. Start by emptying the entire garage, including shelves and cabinets Before starting to empty your garage, it's important to have a plan in place. Take a few moments to map out where you will move and store the items from your garage. Think about which of the items can be recycled or reused, and make sure you are familiar with any recycling process that may be required. Once the plan is in place and all necessary materials such as boxes and garbage bags are available, it's time to begin emptying the garage. Start by removing all large items that do not need to be stored within the garage itself such as furniture, tools, or outdoor games. Next, take out any boxes of stuffed items that no longer need to be kept within the space. Be sure to sort through these items carefully as many useful objects may still remain within them. Lastly, sweep and wipe down all surfaces before disposing of all remaining debris which should lea...